Thursday, May 17, 2012


If your little one is anything like my son Colton, then you know what it's like to have a child who is obsessed with ripping every single wipe from the container. No matter if i try and hide the container, somehow he finds it and pulls every one out and throws them around the room. So i decided one day to take one of my empty wipe containers and fill it with scraps of material instead of wipes.  This way Colt can pull them out to his heart's content.  He didn't know the difference and just loves emptying the container and then stuffing them all back in. (This is also a great car or plane activity)

Here's what you need:

All i did to make this was cut different size strips of fabric and put them into the container. How incredibly easy is that??

I even added decorations to the outside of the wipes container (not pictured) to make it more appealing to Colt. He really loves playing with this and let me say that it is so much easier to clean up since Colt would rip up the wipes into little pieces. 

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