Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I love having different activities for my son to do during the week so that he's learning and playing at the same time.  And to be honest it gives me a chance to have him sit still for a few minutes so that I can do the dishes, vacuum or get a load of laundry done. I also love that I always have something he created to hang on my fridge. :) I want to give him something to make that had to do with Autumn so I thought what says Fall better than a tree with different colored leaves?!

All I did was take a piece of brown construction paper and cut out the shape of a tree trunk and branches. I glued them onto a piece of white construction paper so that the bare tree was already on the paper.  Then I just took some strips of red, orange, yellow, and green construction paper and ripped them into little squares for the leaves.

I just took a glue stick and place a little glue on each piece of colored paper and let him stick the "leaves" onto the tree.  He loved decorating the tree. 
I think he did an awesome job and the cutest part is that he placed a lot of the leaves down by the bottom of the tree or down below the branches so it looks like falling leaves. 
Lastly, as I do with all of Colton's art work, I wrote his name, age, and date on the back and laminated it.  Now I have an adorable fall picture for our fridge :) 

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